22 Jan IFAM 2024 – od 13. do 15. februarja, Ljubljana, stojnica B-104
Prijazen opomin
Od 13. do 15. februarja bomo razstavljali na sejmu IFAM 2024 na Ljubljanskem razstavišču (Slovenija) na stojnici B-104.
Med drugim bomo predstavili:
Rohde & Schwarz
- EPL1000: conducted EMI test receiver: fast time domain scan allows for complete, single-shoot check, of CISPR bands A or B (Slovenian premiere)
- MXO 5: 8+16 channels MSO, 12-18bit, 100M-2GHz, 5GSa/s, 4.5Mwfms/s that holds a number of world-records (Slovenian premiere)
- MXO 4: 4+16 channels MSO, 12-18bit, 200M-1.5GHz, 5GSa/s, 4.5Mwfms/s that holds a number of world-records
- RTH ScopeRider: 4+8 channels portable MSO, 10bit, 60-500MHz, 5GSa/s, 50Kwfms/s, CAT IV 600V, CAT III 1000V with galvanically isolated channels
- RTB2000: 2/4+16 channels MSO, 10bit, 70-300MHz, 2.5GSa/s, 50Kwfms/s with serial protocols decode and triggering
- LCX200: LCR meter 4Hz-10MHz, 10m-10V
- RT-ZC02, RT-ZC03: Current probes 20kHz ±200|2000A 0.01|0.001V/A and 100kHz 30A 0.1V/A
- M300: DAQ: 6½ DMM (Vdc/rms-ac, Idc/rms-ac, F, R2-4 wire, TRTD/TR/TC, sensors, transducers), with mux/matrix/actuator cards, up to 320ch, 60ch/s,
(and its use in PLC environment applications) - DM3068: 6½ DMM (Vdc/rms-ac, Idc/rms-ac, F, C, R2-4 wire, TRTD/TR/TC, sensors, transducers), 10Krdgs/s, annaul accuracy 0.0035%
- DS1104Z-S Plus: 4+16 channels MSO, 8bit 100MHz, 1GSa/s, 30Kwfms/s with built-in serial protocols decode and triggering (ideal for education)
- DHO924S: 4+16 channels MSO, 12bit, 250MHz, 1.25GSa/s, 1Mwfms/s with built-in serial protocols decode and triggering (also for in-field use: battery-powerable)
- MSO7054: 4+16 channels MSO, 8bit, 500MHz, 10GSa/s, 600Kwfms/s with serial protocols decode and triggering
- RSA5065-TG: 9kHz-6.5GHz SA with 40MHz RTB and Tracking generator (TG) with EMI Analysis Mode option
- NFP-3: Near field probe kit
- M300: DAQ: 6½ DMM (Vdc/rms-ac, Idc/rms-ac, F, R2-4 wire, TRTD/TR/TC, sensors, transducers), with mux/matrix/actuator cards, up to 320ch, 60ch/s,
GW Instek
- LCR-916: Handheld LCR Meter 100|120|1k|10k|100kHz, L|C|R|Q|D|θ
- MFG-2260MRA: Multi-Channel Generator 2ch 60MHz AWG, 1ch 25MHz pulse, 1ch RF 320MHz AWG; + 100KHz power amp.; + f.counter
- GPP-3323L: Triple-channel programmable DC power supply with integrated load: 2x 32V/3A (with –/|| tracking), 1x 1.8|2.5|3.3|5.0V/5A
- GPM-8310: Digital power meter 16-bit A/D, DC 0.1Hz-100kHz, waveform display (V, I, P), 50th order fo harmonic masurement and analysis
- GPT-9513: Multi-Channel Hipot Tester, 3 in 1 (AC, DC and IR), built-in 8 channel scanner, IR up to 10GΩ, open/short check, ARC detection
- GPT-12004: Electrical Safety Analyzer, 5 in 1 (AC, DC, IR, GB and GC), IEC61010-2-034, 200VA, Controllable ramp-up/dovn time, RMS Current measurement, Capacitive-load testing capability 47μF, Zero-Crossing Turn-on operation and Sweep function for DUT characteristic analysis
JTAG Technologies
- Boundary-scan applications and JTAG controllers
- Thermal imagers (for industrial maintenance)
- Electricals: innovative handheld instruments (a must have for maintenance departments)
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