Chroma ATE Tag

We would like to thank all our many customers and visitors who attended the "IFAM INTRONIKA ROBOTICS 2023" trade fair in Ljubljana and showed great interest in our innovations and asked questions about our products. We were also happily surprised by ...

Chroma finishes the year strong by presenting a variety of new energy test solutions at TAITRONICS 2021. We cordially invite you to visit our booth and experience how Chroma can help the industry shift from low carbon to zero-carbon and move towards a net-zero transition....

Countries around the world address the continuing energy problems in a variety of ways, from stimulating technological developments to pledges to achieve carbon neutrality and progress towards complete renewable energy. Products developed in support of these trends offer bidirectional power supply that connects with the...

Chroma adds three new models, 61809/61812/61815, to its 61800 series of regenerative grid simulators. These new products are four quadrant, fully regenerative AC Power Sources at 3U height which is the highest power density on the market, and provide power ratings of 9kVA/12kVA/15kVA respectively....

Renewable energy sources such as PV, EV, fuel cell, and battery are the market trend as the replacement of traditional energy sources. With the increasing adoption of electric vehicles worldwide and the growing demand of energy storage batteries for grid connection, the distributed energy storage...